fpm User Manual
$processor$: get-data
get-data processor is used to get data from “data”.
-- string foo:
$processor$: get-data
Assuming foo: "hello" is part of “data”, the variable foo will be get “hello” as the value.
By default, the name of the variable or list where the data is being store is used as the key. You can overwrite the key using key attribute:
-- string foo:
$processor$: get-data
key: some-other-key-instead-of-foo
Default Value
If the data is not found, we use the body as default value if body is available.
-- string foo:
$processor$: get-data

"hello world"
The body must be valid json, compatible with the data type on which we are using the get-data processor.
Default Value in Caption For Basic Types
For basic types like integer, boolean etc, the default value can also be provided in the caption. E.g.
-- string foo: hello world
$processor$: get-data
Providing both body and caption when using get-data is an error.